9K1 Nams – Riga (Latvia) en

13.05.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie
9K1 A
ristida Briāna iela 9 k1
- Le résumé -

9K1 Nams is an underground club located in a really interesting zone that bunches together other places ( a bar/restaurant, a burger joint, a brasserie)

Aristida Briāna iela 9 k1
the site

The summary
9K1 Nams is an underground club located in a really interesting zone that bunches together other places ( a bar/restaurant, a burger joint, a brasserie)

Getting there
You can take any of the buses that goes up Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela, 3, 5, 12, 25, you have to get off a the Aristida Briana iela intersection, ideally the stop right after.
The entrance is hard to find the first time around.
There’s two actually:
-one on Sarlotes iela, but it’s often closed.
-the other on  Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela
You enter through a kind of miniature mall, you have to go all the way to the back,to the right, there’s the DeliSnack, then Piens, and right behind it 9K1

We can find it with this illuminated sign, a bike speed sign ( in the picture underneath).

The club
There’s the outside with the “minidrome” and the brasserie Labietis.
Entrance is free, the club is simple inside, there’s a bar that offers strong alcohol for 3 lats and beers.

That night was an urban snowboard movie preview made by a crew of Latvian surfers that surf in the Baltic countries. The room was completely full and the vibe, excellent.

Here’s the movie trailer. Unfortunately it doesn’t showcase enough the sick scenes in the movie, but it gives an idea.

The verdict
A place you can’t miss for those that want to explore the underground cultural venues; the benefit is that  it’s right beside Piens, which is classier, the brasserie Labietis and the DeliSnack to get a bite to eat, so you’re sure to find a good fit.
However, check beforehand if there’s an event  that day because it’s not open every night.

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Commentaires (2)
    25.11.15 - 10 h 00 min - Aster

    Is there a limited age to go inside?

      03.12.15 - 7 h 54 min - Guillaume

      I don’t think so, when I was there, there were lots of young people between 17-20 I guess

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