Market – Prague (Czech Republic) en

30.04.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie
Náplavka Market
Rašínovo nábřeží 30, Prague 2
Every Saturday 8 am- 2 pm
Metro: Karlovo náměstí (ligne B, Sortie Palackeho náměstí).
Trams: 3,7,16,17,21 (Výtoň ou Palackeho náměstí stops)
- Le résumé -

A good weekend idea, if you’re a foodie or not. On nice sunny days people come here to buy a little something to eat and then eat it sitting in one of the barges docked on the Vlatva.
Very good atmosphere and free sun.
It’s also a flea market at other times of the year, I didn’t exactly understand when it was a food market and when it was a flea market, go to their website, there will be more information.

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