J’ai découvert cette recette à Venise car c’est un plat vénitien typique.
C’est en allant au restaurant Ai Tosi Grandi que j’ai vu le plat réalisé pour la 1ère fois.

I have heard about this recipe in Venice for the first time cause it is a typical Venetian dish.


Plus tard à Vérone, j’ai vu les sardines in saor, en effet la recette in saor peut s’appliquer à différents produits.

Later on in Verona, I have seen the Sarde in Saorn the “in saor” recipe can be applied to various sea food.



Je m’étais dit que je referais cette recette avec des langoustines qu’on trouve près de chez moi.

J’ai trouvé la recette italienne et je l’ai passée dans Google Translate. Le seul truc c’est que selon moi les oignons doivent être cuits à l’eau et non à l’huile, en tout cas c’est ce que m’a expliqué la chef du resto Ai Tosi Grandi quand je lui ai demandé comment elle arrivait à avoir des oignons aussi tendres et absolument pas huileux.


un demi-kilo de crevettes ou langoustines

2-3 oignons blancs

q.b. d’huile d’olive extra vierge

un demi-verre de vin blanc



une pincée de sucre

4-5 cuillères à soupe de vinaigre blanc

une cuillère à soupe de raisins secs trempés dans l’eau chaude pendant environ une heure

une cuillère à soupe de noix de pin grillées


Cuire les crevettes dans une poêle huilée juste pour quelques minutes et les placer dans un plat allant au four en une seule couche. Assaisonner avec le sel et assaisonner avec un peu de poivre.

Trancher finement les oignons et cuire à feu doux, avec le couvercle, en arrosant avec un peu de vin blanc, tant qu’ils ont tendance à se flétrir.

Ajouter le sel, le poivre et le sucre (très peu).

Saupoudrer avec du vinaigre, laisser évaporer et poursuivre la cuisson pendant quelques minutes.

Après la cuisson, compléter avec des raisins secs et les noix de pin.

Verser l’oignon sur les crevettes encore chaud, laisser refroidir, conserver au réfrigérateur et laisser reposer quelques jours avant de les apprécier à l’apéritif ou en plat principal.


I thought I would do this recipe again with some langoustine that can be found near my house.

I have found the Italian recipe and put it in Google translate. It works well, the only thing is that the chef of Ai Tosi Grandi told me that the onions should be cooked in the water, not in the oil : it gives them a sweet but non-oily taste super good and fresh and it matches well with the sugared grapes.



A servir avec une polenta, comme en Italie!

To be served with a polenta, like in Italy!


Hello everyone,


I created 716 in March of 2008, so 6 years ago.
I wanted to share my list of restaurant recommendations, especially because many of them hadn’t been reviewed anywhere, but I also wanted to help you discover good music, find new artists, rediscover forgotten or little known talents.

Then came the topic of travel because once word got out, I realized that 716 could be a real cultural link for the world and even for the rest of France, in addition to Paris.

During these 6 years I have expanded 716’s database and I have asked myself many questions about the profitability of the project.

I rejected many easy solutions because I wanted to keep my independence and, above all, maintain a direct connection to you.
I am a demanding reader and client, and I don’t like to be duped so I have always remained true to you.
And this is how the 716 community organically formed: curious and demanding bon vivants who share 716’s philosophy.

But here a clear question arises and I am at a crossroads:
-to the right it all ends; it was a beautiful adventure, no drama.
-to the left it all continues; but I need money for this.


Money for what?


-to improve the new site
There’s an immense amount of work to be done. We have worked hard this year – it’s not the end of the world, but frankly, it’s a tall order. There’s still work to be done to optimize the site. And for this I need a team, I need to call experts (for newsletters, events, to look for partnerships, crowdfunding).
In addition, the site must absolutely be written in English because the English language advertising market is massive, and 716 is intended to be international. What I want is to be based in Paris but to continue to explore the world.
The stronger we can make the site, the more partnerships I can negotiate and the more sponsors we can have to make the site profitable.

-to make a living
I work tremendously, every day. 716 is my job and my life, and I don’t know how it could be carried on on a non-professional basis. Also, I am certain that the site will grow; we have already created a beautiful community of curious and open-minded people and it should be allowed to expand.
To carry on with the project I need to make a living.

There are also all of the site’s inherent expenses such as restaurant tabs, travel expenses. As you know, 716 restaurants are often unusual and I need time to find them. This means mainly that I need to try many restaurants that I end up not writing about.

The same applies to travel. It’s an enormous amount of work even if it seems like it’s all fun. I went on a press trip with various big tourism media and I was the only one with a local SIM card and to have local contacts (between 20 and 30).
In short, to get different information one needs to work differently and rarely does one find good establishments by twiddling one’s thumbs (maybe once or twice, but not more).


So, where do we go from here?

We’re at a breaking point so I kindly ask you for 1 or 5 euros, it doesn’t matter – 10, 20, 30 euros, whatever you’d like to pay in exchange for services rendered to the gourmand nation that also enjoys other good cultural tips.

We urgently need to fuel up to continue this adventure.

Thank you!


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Thank you for everything! You’re like the elephant that helps me cross the river. 

Chien - Elephant

So that the dog may fly again to bring you back carefully selected tips.


Le Bon Plan Restos 2023-2024

Membre de l'Office du Tourisme de Paris

 Paris je t’aime - partenaire officiel 2023


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