716 Playlists – Cliff Lothar Playlist

07.02.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Cliff Lothar mis tout le monde d’accord en 2013 avec sa sortie sur Viewlexx, un disque je ne pouvais pas ne pas jouer.
Cliff Lothar appealed to everyone with his first 12″ on Viewlexx, a massive techno hit I couldn’t avoid to play!

Il revient en force fêter l’année 2014 avec un maxi sur Skudge White.
He is back to celebrate 2014 with a record on Skudge White.

Entre les deux, il a réalisé un mix très intéressant pour Mind Over Matter.
Between those two, he has made a very interesting mix for the guys at Mind Over Matter.

“In a sea of podcast request, 716 suddenly came out of nowhere and asked me for what amounted to basically just a bunch of tracks off the ol’ Youtube. This resonated with me at once, because lists just like this have given me oceans of great new music throughout the years.
Of course I went overboard, and suddenly found myself stuck with writing witty comments for 30 something tracks. But fuck it, I’ll just write this intro text and try to string the tracks together in a way that makes some sort of sense. Writing this, I cant really recall what tracks I put in there, but I know I love em all, and could have made a list of 300 tracks with very little extra effort.
I hope you find something you never heard before in there. If you DO find something you like, please send me 100 dollars, or just shoot me a facebook PM and say hi.
All the best”
Cliff Lothar

Here is the player to listen to the Playlist in continuous mode.

1) Interceptor – Together

2) Eric Bell – Your Love

3) Harvey ‘Hollywood’ Harris – Funk Me, Jack Me

4) 3 Big Men – The Time Is Now For Action

5) $tinkworx – Coelacanth

6) Kim Rapatti – Time After Time

7) Iko – ’83 – Approach On Tokyo

8) Orgue Electronique – Die Liebe Ist Die Größte Kraft

9) Fall of Saigon – On The Beach At Fontana

10) Art of Trance – Sea of Tranquility

11) Zwischenfall – Flucht ’82

12) Walt J – Untitled (a1)

13) Walk with Jesus – Otis G. Johnson

14) UBQ Project – When I fell in love

15) Kyle Hall – I’m KMFH GIRL!

16) Novamen – At the nova party

17) Time – Can’t you feel it

18) Barbara Norris – Heavy Hitter

19) Wet – That’s The Game

20) Chemise – She Can’t Love You

21) G.A.N.G – Incantations

22) CHBB – Go Go Go

23) Sentimentale Jugend – Ghetto / Der 10.5. / Hiroshima

24) Aviador Dro – Telepatia

25) Elecktroids – thermo science

26) Raheem Hershel – Raheem’s Knowledge

27) Schmaalhans Weltraum – Samovar

28) D.A.F. – Knochen auf Knochen

29) L.A.M. – Toxic TV

30) TowLie – This is a momenth

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