716 Playlists – Indian Jewelry Playlist

07.01.13 - Guillaume - 716lavie

A playlist by Indian Jewelry. Normally it’s 10 tracks but Tex sent me 13 so I guess it’s a way to celebrate 2013:)
Indian Jewelry website

1) Butthole Surfers – Cherub
Holy everlasting jam of jams.

2) Von Sudenfed – Fledermaus Can’t Get It
If there is a better record than Tromatic Reflexxions I really need to hear it. This is the best album I’ve heard since Ol Dirty Bastard’s “Ni**a Please.”

3) Rusted Shut – Dead in the Water
26 years and counting of hard comedy and maudlin truths, Rusted Shut is the main reason why Houston even exists at all. Before Rusted Shut, the city may have been nicer, since Rusted Shut the city is the center of the universe.

4) Little Joe Washington – In the Ghetto
I don’t usually trust the blues in our time. Except Little Joe; he’s never boring.

4) Wicked Poseur – Sea Legs
However thwarted and ugly our dreams may turn out, Arthur Bates is hot mess and a wonderful songwriter.

5) B L A C K I E – Girls in the Front/Cut Him Up
Watching B L A C K I E is like watching the Black Flag that everybody thinks they remember. The one that children get tattooed on their arms or legs, except now it’s called B L A C K I E and he’s a solo genius producer & howling man.

6) Willie Nelson – Blue Eyes Cryin In the Rain
I go to this song whenever I need comfort or the promise of redemption. Which happens to be quite often.

7) Future Blondes – Migration 2
Future Blondes rode ahead of the forward path long ago. Then he doubled back for drinks.

8) Townes Van Zandt – Waitin’ Around To Die
I advocate Townes by any means necessary.

9) How I Quit Crack – In Our Way
Tina HIQC is a pure form.

10) Lightnin’ Hopkins (Rare Performances)
They put up a statue of Lightnin’ Hopkins in Houston by the big train station. In retrospect, he was our most beloved mayor.

11) The Wiggins – Cat
This song works equally well in the early morning and late night. In both kinds of weather– raining and otherwise.

12) Clipd Beaks – Melter
Clipd Beaks are my antidote to the ruthless efficiency of modern times. They’ve got imagination and pluck.

13) Suicide – Frankie Teardrop
Will the songs we write about our perpetual wars be half as haunting?

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