716 Playlists – Palms Trax Playlist

25.10.13 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Palms Trax a frappé fort avec son dernier EP chez Lobster Theremin. C’est l’occasion de lui demander une 716 Playlist afin de voir ce qu’il a dans le bide! 🙂
Un grand merci à lui pour avoir délivré la Playlist à toute allure, quand on est blogger, c’est appréciable!

Palms Trax hit hard with his last EP on Lobster Theremin. That was the perfect occasion to ask him which music he truly loves!
A big thanks to him for having given me the playlist with no delays, when you’re a blogger, you love that thing.

J’ai mis les 9 morceaux trouvables sur youtube afin que vous puissiez l’écouter en mode continu mais n’oubliez pas d’écouter le “Freex” de Mike Broers qui ne se trouve que sur soundcloud.

I have put all the youtube tracks into one player so it can be listened to in a continuous mode, but don’t forget to listen to the “Freex” by Mike Broers which is only on soundcloud.

1) Route 8 – Memory Tool
In the words of a youtube channel, proper 4am hand holder this one. Out in the distant future.

2) Galcher Lustwerk – Soul Control
Air rim shots at home. White Material are unstoppable.

3) I-F – Moonbase Next To G
This one for me right now, doesnt get any better than The Man From PACK.

4) Paranoid London – CV Bleed
Shoulder jerking acid. Gotta get everything theyve done.

5) Lucretio – Tell Me
I dont know what makes this so good, he churns them out at a pretty alarming rate.

6) Jeff Mills – Step To Enchantment
Jeff Mills face superimposed on the moon.

7) Function – Untitled
Reach for the lasers. Just been listening to this on repeat for the last few days.

8) Gecko – Just Close Your Eyes (Rework 2002)
Rodhad played this at some point in Berghain the other night and it was about as good as it gets. Had to leave half way through though to evade this phantom tummy tickler.

9) Mike Broers – Freex
If I ever ditched the flutes and ended up playing Berghain this would come out for sure.

10) Sandwell District – Hunting Lodge

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