Kranj (Slovenia)

03.04.15 - Guillaume - 716lavie
- Infos Pratiques -

- Le résumé -

Kranj is a city that is worth the detour, 30 km from Ljubljana. Its first inhabitants go back 600 years.

The old town’s church dates back to the 15th century, and the bells still work. 

Check out 716’s Kranj photo album

- Un peu d'histoire -





- Restaurants -

Koroška cesta 10

It’s both a coffee shop and a restaurant, the locals go there for the pastries, but you can also go there for a meal, it’s one of the rare options, if not the only option, to eat something else than a burger or pizza in center town.




Gostilna Kristof
Predoslje 22, Kranj
Tel : 04 2341 030
the website

THE good restaurant in the city, a bit on the outside.

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- Gastronomie -

The local specialty is the famous Gostilna Arvaj, or Kranjska Klobasa sausage. The name kranjska sausage comes from the Karniola region, and not from the city of Kranj. It’s made up of 80% pork and 20% ham, has to be cooked.

- Bars -

Rock Bar Down Town
Gregorčičeva 6

A young people’s bar with a pretty interesting beer selection, and a good-natured atmosphere.


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