Wellington On A Plate Festival – Wellington (New Zealand) – ENGLISH VERSION

11.09.13 - Guillaume - 716lavie
GO TO THE FRENCH VERSIONThe WellingtonOnAPlate  is a three weeks long culinary event happening every year in august. If by any chance, you’re in New Zealand at this time, don’t miss this Best burger election (To read below).

The event is divided into 2 parts :

– Events you have to pay for taking places in Restaurants ( such as Masterclasses, shows ) which are, according to me , kind of expensive ( From 40 NZD up to more than 100 NZD )

– Special dishes only fixed up for this very moment in different restaurants in town. You can get either a complete meal ( appetizers, course, desert ) for about 35 NZD or taste the Wellington burger made up for the election.

Each single pub fixes up a special burger only created for the occasion. Customers also have the possibility to vote for their favorite burger.

That way, you can easily taste great burgers all around the city. It’s amazing that even casual pubs, usually serving average food, make their best to fix up quality burgers for this event.

I got the chance to taste the Moorish Moroccan Baa-Baa Burger in Kerlburn Village Pub. Kerlburn is situated in Wellington suburbs. As Wellington is located near the sea , surrounded by hills, the suburbs are really like an extension of the city.

Kelburn Village Pub
87 Upland Road
Tel : 04 475 83 80

This is an average grade pub , but the burger I had this day was great.
It was not trickling with sauce , but not stifling either. It’s called the Moorish Moroccan Baa-Baa Burger because it’s made with spicy lamb meat, using various moroccan spices. There was supposed to have Masala Lassi too, but I guess it was used as a sauce. Anyway this burger was really good.

Another specificity of the event is that you can choose a special beer with the burger you have , coming straightly form the artisanal brewery called Garage Project. I had a Smoke&Mirrors beer which was just perfect with my burger.

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