716 Exclusive Mix – JuanPablo : Late Night Mix

05.04.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Juanpablo est un artiste colombien vivant en Espagne dont j’adore l’approche techno. C’est rare. Techno, deep, tour à tour funky et sombre, j’ai baigné là-dedans; en plus il est colombien et comme j’adore la Colombie, je ne suis pas très objectif.

Son label Frigio records a sorti de belles bombes dont ces Lost Series.

J’avais découvert le label car au moment où je publiais le 716 Mix d’Intergalactic Gary, ce dernier s’apprêtait à sortir un titre sur Frigio, c’était un remix d’un titre de Juanpablo par Mick Wills avec Isabella Venis & Intergalactic Gary.

Juanpablo a droppé un mix pour le 716, finalement il a pris des disques de son sac lors de leur dernier gig au Femur club à Madrid, avec beaucoup de nouveaux sons du label Frigio.


Juanpablo is a Colombian artist living in Spain and I really love his approach of techno music. It’s rare. Techno, deep, sometimes funky sometimes dark, exactly the kind of techno I grew up with; in addition to this he is Colombian and I love Colombia, I’m not very objective. He has released some very nice track on his label Frigio records, like these Lost Series.
I had heard about his label for the first time when I had published the 716 Mix of Intergalactic Gary, cause he had collaborated to an amazing and unique remix from a track of Juanpablo by Mick Wills featuring Isabella Venis & himself, Intergalactic Gary.

For this 716 Mix, he wanted to do something atmospheric, but “it ended up being more dance oriented as I took records from my bag on my last gig at Femur club in Madrid. also I present a lot of Frigio material here.”

Dj Falcon – First (Roulé)
Shit and Shine – Shower Curtain (Diagonal)
Jauzas The Shining feat Victoria Lukas – Where Have You Been (Fundamental Records)
Vagon Brei – 80861M (Frigio)
Seldom Seen – Catwalk (Runway Beats) (Frigio)
Cris & Amir – Dark Memories (Anunnaki Cartel)
Honored Matres – Liberation (Frigio)
In2Minds – The Beginning (Open Mind)
Charles Manier – Who Raised These People? (Nation)
Juanpablo – Glaciar (Frigio)
Esplendor Geometrico – Regeneración (Geometrik)
Juanpablo – Polar (Frigio)
Pwog – Pull (KK)
Curve – Falling Free (The Aphex Twin Remix) (Not on label)
ArD2 – Endless Storm (Seti)

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