716 Playlists – Hantrax Playlist

28.05.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Le label belge Ekster a sorti une compilation de 9 morceaux d’Hantrax sortis entre 2000 et 2010, une édition limitée à 200 ex. dispo chez Godspill.
Le son est bon alors j’ai eu envie de demander à Hantrax une sélection de 10 morceaux qu’il aime.

The Belgian label Ekster has released a kind of compilation of Hantrax‘ tracks produced between 2000 & 2010, it is a limited serie of 200 copies available at Godspill.
I really liked the sound so I asked Hantrax a selection of 10 tracks he loves.



To listen to the Playlist in continuous mode this is here :


1) Bolz Bolz – 32nd Lesson
I like this one, we used to call electro ill, this one’s very ill, something between melancholia and madness


2) Genesis P – Orridge & the angels of light
This one’s from 1985 genesis p orridge is next level, timeless


3) LA Vampires – How Would U Know
This is very repetitive, almost like meant to be enoying like nagging, which i like in this track, captures it perfectly, and it’s very fashionable, and about emptiness, which is sometimes fun!


4) Portal – Awryeon
the building up to the chord in the end and gestures live i think are fantastic, the sound also, and the layers incredibly authentic


5) Simple Minds –  Someone Somewhere in Summertime
i like this song, and the greatness of the concept, big stages, i’d like to do something like this once, keep on dreaming, it’s fantastic for festivals, also visually


6) Howard Jones – Equality
The intro chords i think are beautiful, and it’s pure honest.


7) Chick Corea – Light As A Feather
This one’s philosophical, the solo the sound, electronics and harmony, melody.


8) Arthur Rubinstein – Chopin Fantaisie Impromptu in C
i think there’s a version of this one with a beat, sort of a dub step version, someone noticed it before me i guess, it was done well, but i like to play classical on the piano it inspires me that’s for shure


9) Anthony Shake Shakir – The Rah Rah
i like this one it’s minimal, a close up of something, no more no less, like it


10) Iron Maiden – The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
i listen to these kind of songs all the time, it’s inspiration to go on, metal is a family it’s not a way of life, it’s life, it’s self esteem and believing all is possible


11) Big Ben Tribe  – Tarzan Loves The Summer Nights
A friend of mine came on with this record, glad to know, i like the song, the lyrics and singing, encourages me to, same like metal actually

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