716 Selections – Kornelia Binicewicz (Cracovie) Selection

17.07.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Kornelia Binicewicz est un personnage à part : cultivée, solaire, positive, enthousiaste, elle est aussi la responsable du programme du festival de culture juive de Cracovie, le plus important du monde.

Je suis très content de publier sa liste d’endroits à Cracovie car c’est une véritable amoureuse de sa ville.

Kornelia Binicewicz is a character apart: cultivated, solar, positive, enthusiastic, she is also the program manager of the Jewish culture festival in Krakow, the world’s largest.

I am super happy to publish her list of favourite places in Krakow cause she is a true Krakow lover.

“5 places I dive in and forget about the world”

Kornelia Binicewicz

1) Milk Bar Południowy – Bar Mleczny Południowy
Rynek Podgórski 11
Ph : +48 12 356 59 44

One of the oldest Milk Bars in Krakow – its beginnings date back to 1949. The bar serves traditional home dishes based mostly on flour, milk, cheese. It is a typical milk bar – very popular during communistic times where you could eat very cheap food. Nowadays there are just a few real milk bars, where you can feel that time stopped. This is absolutely amazing place, owned by two sisters who work there since the 70s. You can feel this unique atmosphere of the past and egalitarism where everybody is equal – business man, hipster or a poor person.

Milk Bar 2

Photo : Szymon Makuch


2) Old restaurant building in Las Wolski – Pawilon Gastronomiczny Las Wolski
Las Wolski

Forgotten restaurant in the biggest park of Krakow, situated just close to the ZOO in Las Wolski. The venue is abandoned and hidden in the park but you can easily access to it. It used to be a fancy restaurant and café, visited by celebrities and common people. The building is extraordinary from architectural point of view – its modernistic form is based on so called ship motifs. It was build in 1937 and from the very beginning was perceived as fashionable venue. It is falling apart now and needs a thorough reconstruction.

Pawilon Gastronomiczny Las Wolski


3) Cheder Cafe
Ul. Józefa 36
Ph : +48 12 431 15 17

Venue of Jewish Culture Festival – one of the biggest festival presenting contemporary Jewish culture form around the world. The café is a all year round place of alternative and avant-garde music from Middle East and Poland, meetings, lectures. Workshops. It serves real Israeli hummus, thina and coffee brewed in Arabic kettle called finjan. It is the place where peace in the middle east is possible… and costs less than 3 euros.

Cheder cafe 2


4) Miejsce Bar
Estery 1
Ph : +48 783 096 016

Small but totally efficient bar, furnished with beautiful vintage furniture. It is a gay place, with cool atmosphere for everyone. Bar serves home made liquors and cakes. It is good to start evening here – testing the flavors of colorful vodka shots or end the night dancing like crazy.


Photo : courtesty of Miejsce Bar


5) Botanic Garden and Museum
Mikołaja Kopernika 27
31-000 Kraków
Ph : +48 12 421 26 20

Beautiful garden hidden inside the city is a home for many incredibly beautiful plants from around the world. You can explore it all around the year but spring – autumn period is the best. The moment you enter the garden you forget about the whole world behind its frontiers – you can just dive in green and peacefully eat your picnic dishes and drink young summer wine. It is also unforgettable to visit the museum situated inside the garden – totally old-fashioned and dusty gallery of outgrown ridiculous plants or forgotten heroes of botany, that sacrificed their lives to investigate a story of one plant seed. Amazing kunstkamera.

Botanical garden

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