La Pointe du Grouin – Paris (75010) en

23.05.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie
La Pointe du Grouin
8, Belzunce St.
75010 Paris
No phone
Open every day from 8 am- 2 am
Metro : Gare du Nord
- Le résumé -

For price-quality ratio, without a doubt the best sandwich in Paris.  Incredible, for 4 euros. The rest is the same, appetizers and desserts between 2-4 euros, no problem.  For service and “l’orga” , it’s a little off ,even too much for me.
But it’s amazingly good and inexpensive.

- Lieu -

Pointe du Groin is Thierry Breton’s ( Chez Michel‘s  chef) latest creation and his bistro version of Chez Casmir just beside it.
I know the area well, yet I have a total blank as to what used to be here.
It’s decorated according to today’s trends, loft/cave a manger with its high tables, its glass roof. The tables outside have a nice feel to them. There’s a little messy side to it that’s fun.

- L'équipe -

Honestly the man that was taking the orders was trying too hard ( end of service?) and it was a little tiring. And this newly popular idea to ask clients their name so that they can later call them from the other side of the room, I’m not a fan. Better yet: I don’t like it at all. They do the same thing at Pizza di Loretta, which I didn’t write about, partly for this same reason.
I find it intrusive and uncool. For that matter, I always leave a weird name just to see if they’re going to take advantage and make fun of it. When you go to  Ozlem, they don’t ask for your name, they give you a ticket with a number and that’s it. The old fashioned Turks in the 10th district don’t call out people by their names, and it’s much better that way.
Otherwise, to go back to the staff,  it’s an open kitchen so you can see everything. That shows they know what they’re doing, Thierry Breton was around, keeping an eye on his new baby.
That being said there was a certain frenzy ( excitement?) in the way they were talking to each other: ” yeah, that’s what I asked you”, ” so what did we say? oh yeah that’s right” or even the guy that’s clearing plates and before doing so taps you on the shoulder.
There were some weird things I thought. Nothing too bad though, I’d go back to see how it fares on the long term.

- Le repas -

Vegetarian bara sandwich ( carrots, beets, fennel)
So, the bread is homemade and amazing. Truly incredible. Crazy.
Plus, the sandwich is 4 euros, had it been 8,50 as it could have been everyone- but maybe not you- would still have said it was just as goooooood! But no, it’s 4 euros.
Carrots, beets, fennel, everything I like. No soy seeds or other things that are organic, but aren’t good.  ( ok so I’m going a little far here, but makes me feel good)

The person that was with me took a sweet herring and smoked salmon bara sandwich ( 4 euros) and creamed cucumbers ( 4 euros). She told me the salmon was excellent, the cucumber, the cream, everything, you could just tell. 4 euros, same thing, anywhere else it would be 7, and we could even say it was a pretty good price for it.

2 euros for the pitcher of sparkling water carafe
A little odd, good, but weird.

I saw 2 euros for the 50 cl of sparkling water, I wanted to ask what type of sparkling water, but seeing the volubility of the guy previously mentioned, I didn’t have the heart to ask. In the end we got the pitcher, which is good, but when we’re not aware that it costs 2 euros, it’s a little weird.

2 euros the far breton (Breton custard tart with prunes)
It’s very good, more prunes and it could be even better, but everything’s there.
There’s also Kouing Amann on the menu and when we tested at Chez Michel we thought it was definitely worth it. Now all that’s missing is the Paris Brest, even at 4 euros I’d take it:) ( one of the best ones in Paris for sure).

- Le bilan -

One of the better finds in this new “caves à manger” trend (places that are doing double duty as wine shops and restaurants).
-it’s delicious, it’s got real taste, no nick picking, portions are good, amazing even, let’s say it.
-it’s inexpensive, that’s what we want, kills everything else.
Except that for me to come back often, I’d need to feel more at ease.
Seems like they put emphasis on everything that’s missing everywhere else ( quality-price ratio, portion size, space) but because of it, the atmosphere is borderline. It’s too bad.


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