Al Karem – Paris (75009) en

10.07.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie
Al Karem
21, rue Gérando
75009 Paris
01 42 81 18 41
- Le résumé -

This is a place I love because I think that Paris needs some spots like this. The new street food scene with some name dropping for every product has its clientele, but there there is no way it can resume the street food of Paris : I have always prefer those who manage to cook a tasty cuisine with cheap and simple.


- La petite histoire -

It’s been 15 years that this place has a different owner every 3, 4 years : everytime it’s kinda working because there is a real demande for tasty and cheap sandwiches around here; but so far it was mostly burgers and kebabs, although I knew a friend who liked them, I have never been very tempted myself.

When I saw this Lebanese coming in the area mid-2014, I have been curious, because there are no Lebanese restaurants in the district.

- Lieu -

The place is simple, but clean. At the beginning there was a counter but it has been taken away to make more seats (around 8).


- L'équipe -

The mister who runs the place is nice and pro. Real 716 vibe.


- Le repas -

Special plate for 8 euros, Ayran for 1,20 euros. “Student” menu, but available for everyone : 6,30 euros.



I’ve been there a couple of times so I am showing you different dishes and the sandwich.




- Le bilan -

Al Karem, you are welcome in this corner of the 9th disctrict, close from Barbès, you are appreciated around here.

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