716 Exclusive Mix – Drucifer : Noisebreaksnature

04.07.16 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Drew Webster aka Drucifer is an experimental musician from San Francisco, not to be confused with Charles Webster. You might not know him, but check all what he has produced since 2003. I have discovered him thanks to the excellent 716 playlist of Ian Watson. They both run the project W / W.

Ian was also mentionning Drew’s project called Machine Shop : “This is Drew’s long-term project with percussionist Karen Stackpole. They do this stuff live with a collection of gongs and mics.”

I contacted Drew and he proposed me to do a live set of experimental turntable music. Here is his mostly complete(?) list of records used:
ambience two: an adventure in environmental sound
pung – state of the youth
the RZA – ghost dog: the way of the samurai
sink/marzuraan – conventi/moneybox split
tiny monroe – open invitation
stickfigurecarousel ‎– eleven years of virginity
the living language course: learning japanese
bohren & der club of gore – midnight radio
panicsville/john wiese split
voices of the loon
muslimgauze – united states of islam
apoptose – blutopfer
dj massive trauma – tools of the trade vol. 1
choral masterpieces of the russian orthodox church
aversion therapy – blurred visions
ghislain poirier – cold as hell VLS
douglas wood – solitary shores
divine styler – wordpower2:Directrix
stilluppsteypa/curver split
E.A.R. – transistor music
no artist – sound effects-baby sobbing-children at play-cheering crowds
solitudes: environmental sound experiences – volume three
the church steps – the hand that is the wave
fritz kreisler – caprice viennois
jascha heifetz – symphonie espagnole – andante
andrew chalk, ralf wehowsky, eric lanzillotta – yang-tul
various 500 lock grooves by 500 artists
docteur henri ulrich – oiseaux de la foret
windy and carl/saddar bazaar split
motorcycle scramble sound effects
kloster santo domingo de silos – gregorianischer choral
six organs of admittance/charalambides split
kareem – schattenreich
troum – framabeis/vär
bbc records – sound effects no. 4
muslimgauze – izlamaphobia
drona parva/ultrasound split
light bright highway – moon glory and the sun
el-g – tout ploie
art blakey – orgy in rhythm
birchville cat motel – cranes are sleeping
kimio eto – koto music
stethoscopic heart records revised – heart recordings
arvo pärt – triodion
big jake calls the waders

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