716 Playlists – Rothmans : 2013 Playlist

23.12.13 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Rothmans c’est ce label qu’on a tout de suite repéré parce que chaque sortie avait le nom et la gueule d’un footballer des 80’s : disco, baléarique, slow motion acid, tout y est mais la touche fun trippée est toujours là, à l’image des tofs.
Quand j’ai proposé à Ant Rothmans, l’homme derrière le label, une Playlist 716, il m’a spontanément soumis l’idée de faire un Best Of 2013. Comme je n’avais aucunement envie de m’y coller cette année, c’était parfait.
En plus sa sélection est magique, du lourd, pointu et super bien commenté. Tu reprendras bien une Rothmans?
Quand Ant Rothmans compose, il s’appelle “Belly“, c’est bien trippé et ça va sortir avec des remixes de Headman, Timothy FairPlay, Richard Fearless, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns.

716 Playlists - Rothman Playlist 716

Rothmans, that’s this label that we instantly identified because every release was associated with the pix and the name of a footballer from the 80’s : disco, balearic, slow motion acid, the music sounds a bit like all this, but always with the funny trippy touch, exactly like the football pictures vibe. 

When I proposed to Ant Rothmans, the guy behind the label, a 716 Playlist, he spontaneously submitted the idea of doing a 2013 Selection, which was great cause I had no intention at all to do one, that was perfect.
His selection is tight, some heavy shit, well selected and well commented. You’ll have another Rothmans right?
When Ant Rothmans produces, he uses the name “Belly“, it’s kinda freaky chill out music. Expect some releases in 2014 with remixes by Headman, Timothy FairPlay, Richard Fearless, to name a few.

1) Apparat – A Violent Sky (Mute)
There is no hiding my admiration for this guy at the moment, I tend to reference him quite a lot. I used this track to close off a podcast earlier in the year and it’s stuck with me ever since, It’s one of those records that goes with you everywhere you go but will never actually see the light of day in and club, I think it’s a comfort thing for me!

2) Timothy J Fairplay – The Third Season (Rothmans)
I couldnt do a selection like this without putting at least 1 Tim Fairplay tune in here, the main problem I had was picking which one!!! This guy has released so much stuff this year both with myself on Rothmans, and a whole host of other labels. As well as setting up his Crimes of The Future label with Scott Fraser, gigging all over Europe, knocking together a few albums with Weatherall, I somehow managed to squeeze in one last release from him at the end of the year on The Alberto Tarantini release, and it’s a gem!!!!

3) Ruf Dug – Sorta Rican (Porn Wax)
I have chosen this particular record from the whole host of Tusk/Horn/Porn wax releases this year for 1 reason only. It proper cheered me up when the weather went tits up. I remember quite clearly when this record arrived I was trying to put together a podcast and was really getting nowhere with it. It was a miserable, rainy, Manchester tuesday afternoon and I was about ready to give and then suddenly there was a knock at the door. ‘Thank god, my drug dealer is finally here’ I thought, imagine my disappointment when I opened the door to a rain drenched postman! but then I looked at down and saw him holding a big square package with ‘Mad Ant’ scrawled across it, this could mean only one thing, my old pal Tusk! Inside was a whole bundle of Tusk joy including this!!

4) Baris K – 200 (Emotional Especial)
I love this track, I had no idea who Baris K was until I heard this EP, what’s great about it is that all the versions are that good that I can never remember which is which, so when I take it out of my record box at a gig I just play whichever at random, makes no odds to me!!! top track/tracks

5) Posthuman – Hecatism (RSI)
It’s hard to not put at least 1 Posthuman track up, the ‘I Love Acid’ crew are complete players and have released so many absolute bangers this year it’s hard to keep up with them. This EP on RSI though is probably my favourite, great for the club or just for chilling to at home, doesent matter, the spacey, acid vibe just keep son giving!!! nice work ladzzzz

6) Lord Of The Isles – Elgol (Shevchenko)
Now I am not actually sure when this came out but it might well have been late 2012, however I didnt pick it up until at least March 2013 so it’s going in anyway!!!
This guy doesent half make some interesting records, and this is no exception, not sure if I am gonna bother trying to describe it, just listen to it and make up your own mind!! Also whilst we are on the subject of LO TI I am gonna post this also as I think it’s the best DJ mix I heard all year!, wish he would post the fucking track listing though!!! ha

7) Last Waltz – Tusk Wax 11 (Tusk Wax)
Repping it for the North East , basically anything these lads have touched both as Last Waltz or on their own solo projects has been absolute gold this year. Hard to pin down on anything that could even get close to being a favourite but this EP on Tusk a few months back has to be up there. Had the pleasure of spending some time with them out in Croatia in the summer, wild times. Actually on the subject of the North East, and seeings as there isint really any rules here I might as swell also mention Iron Blu, Emile Strunz & People Get Real ,that make up some of what is a thriving scene up there, all top lads, all friends of Rothmans, all putting out fantastic music this year including the following:

8) Daniel Avery – Naive Response (Phantasy)
This track came out on Dan’s debut album Drone Logic a few months back but luckily they also released this on 10″ way back at the start of the year so I managed to get my hands on it a while back. I literally think I have dropped this tune at every gig I have done this year and it has always smashed the arse off the dance floor. However the version that came out on Drone Logic is slightly different to the original 10″ , personally I prefer the original which is what I have linked here but if you have Drone Logic then have a listen to both and make up your own minds, either way both version are bangers thats why its here, it’s just a banger, enough said!!

9) Ali Renault – The Black Heart (Rothmans)
Ali has released a few tracks with Rothmans since we started the label but this track on The Claudio Gentile release has to be one of my favourite tracks of the year. I also had the pleasure of having a little trip to Tel Aviv with him recently to play for the MichaTronix crew and got to witness the his live show for the first time, fucking blew me away.
Ali Renault – we salute you!!!

10) The Asphodells – Skwatch (Black Merlins Real to Reel mix)
Love The Asphodells, love Black Merlin, but only got 1 selection left so I am killing 2 birds with 1 stone here. this is without a doubt one of my favourite tracks of the year and came out as part of The Asphodells remix album of the years earlier release ‘Ruled By Passion, Destroyed By Lust’
I am not sure that combining the minds of Weatherall, Fairplay and Black Merlin is really gonna come up short is it?? no I didnt think so!!!!


Actually whilst we are the topic of Black Merlin I dont think this has left my record bag all year either, always blows up the dance floor!!!

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