716 Playlists – Tadd Mullinix (JTC, Charles Manier) Playlist

28.10.15 - Guillaume - 716lavie

J’ai eu la chance d’accueillir l’artiste Tadd Mullinix aka JTC sur 716 déjà deux fois :
– un superbe 716 Mix
– une 716 Sélection de Restaurants de sa ville Ann Arbour
Il est ce type d’artistes que vous êtes toujours heureux de recevoir.
Il a été très actif ces derniers temps que ce soit sous le pseudo de JTC, enregistrant pour des labels tels que AnsatzHoya HoyaSpectral ou Killekill, ou en tant que Charles Manier, réalisant un album brillant pour Kode, un label affilié à Nation.
Sur 716 on préfère laisser la musique parler plutôt que des bavardages sans fin, alors en guise de conclusion : la musique de Tadd n’est pas seulement funky et envoûtante, en l’écoutant on devine qu’elle a été faite par quelqu’un d’intelligent.
Voici la 716 Playlist de JTC.

We had the chance to host Tadd Mullinix aka JTC already two times on 716 :
– a super 716 mix
– a very interesting 716 Restaurants Selection in Ann Arbour
He is the type of artists you’re always happy to welcome.
He’s been very active lately recording under the name JTC for labels such Ansatz, Hoya Hoya, Spectral, Killekill or under Charles Manier a fantastic whole album for Kode, a label affiliated to Nation.
Well, you know, on 716 we prefer let the music speak rather than tons of words, so just a last one :
Tadd Mullinix’s music is not only groovy and bewitching, when you’re listening to it, you can feel it’s been composed by a person who is “intelligent”.
Now here is the Playlist by Tadd Mullinix.

1) Miles Davis – Rated X
Its relentless groove reaches a climax when the band is intermittently muted, creating jarring moments of intense electric organ cacophony.

2) Herbert Eimert – Epitaph for…
A feature in this early experimental electronic music is the voice of Richard Munch morphing into beautiful and strange sounds. It’s my favorite of that category.

3) Aphex Twin – Selected Ambient Works Volume II – untitled
This one was on the vinyl version only. Maybe that’s still true. This is possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. I can’t describe with words the feelings that this conjures in me.

4) VVV – Sick Sick USA
Carlos Souffront mixed this one in one of his mixes on WCBN back in the day. Alan Vega (of Suicide) + members of Pan Sonic. A match made in heaven.

5) Pavement – Forklift
I don’t know if this is my favorite Pavement song but it is best at conjuring nostalgia, specifically of skateboarding with friends with this playing in the car stereo.

6) Public Enemy – B-Side Wins
I love the message and the collage-like production quality. With panning effects, it’s a swirling mass of dense coalescence.

7) Adrenalin MOD – Ecstasy
Epitomical of trippy acid. It was also mixed by Souffront on his infamous lunar eclipse tape. This has real imagination. Carlos’ mixes changed my life.

8) Armenian zurna traditional wedding music
The drone, accompanying articulations, and nasal register of the instrument make for an intoxicating combination. This is powerful to me.

9) CH BB – Neger Brauchen Kleine Electronik
All CH BB music is amazing. Those recordings influenced me so much. It should be especially evident in “Bopside” by Charles Manier and I make no secret of it.

10) J Dilla – Love (instrumental)
I have no words… it’s too good.

11) Maurizio – M 4.5
I bought this when I was discovering the rave scene in Detroit. This was a part of so much magic in those buildings.

11) Chez N Trent – Morning Factory
This is also on that level with M 4.5.

I have to say: while some could argue that M 4.5 might be an honorary Detroit techno record, i find it impossible to choose from the Detroit techno category because so much of it is so good to me. So I just won’t pick one for this list. I’ll just leave it like that.

To listen to the 716 Playlist in continuous mode :

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