Radovljica (Slovenia)

06.04.15 - Guillaume - 716lavie
- Infos Pratiques -

Getting here from Ljubljana

– Bus

There are buses that leave every half hour from the station in Ljubljana.

– Train

There’s a little train station in Radovljica. The train station where international trains arrive is Lesce, which is 10 mins away by car. 


- Le résumé -

Radovljica is a pretty town, 50 km away from Ljubljana, in the heart of the Slovenian Alps. Four years ago, the tourism office changed directions, and changed the way the city was shown to tourists. The slogan “Honestly Sweet” appeared as the obvious choice, because it embodies the cute aspect of this medieval town, but also the bees and their honey.

I was there in fall, and the weather wasn’t great, hence why my pictures are don’t have a lot of sun in them, but the weather can be amazing here, just like in those pictures.

In Slovenia, the houses are very large, and with the economic crisis, a lot of young people (25-40) came back to live at their parents, and when in that case, they live in an independent manner, under the same roof; they laughingly call it “Mama hotel”.

Check out 716’s Radovljica photo album 




- Un peu d'histoire -

The Lipica Lipicanci horses

The white horse was used at the Austrian court. They’re born black/brown and become white when they’re three years old.


- Hôtels -

Gostilna Kunstelj
Gorenjska cesta 9
4240 Radovljica, Slovenia
+386 4 531 51 78

I would recommend this family guest house for a stay

Read the 716 review

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- Guide -

Tourism office
Linhartov trg 9,
4240 Radovljica, Slovenia
+ 386 4531 5112

The tourism office is very active, don’t hesitate to go see them.

Free tour

Every Tuesday at 10 am,  Radovljica’s tourism office offers a free tour of the old town, get information at the tourism office.

- Evènements -

Radol’ca Festival


In 2014, there were 11 restaurants participating in this festival, which consists in offering one or two 15 euros menus, made specifically for this occasion, for the entire month of the festival.

One of Radovljica’s locals told me that in Slovenia, there’s a tendency to bad-mouth your neighbors , but that in  Radovljica, they were able to act as role models for the rest of the country, by working together. For example, for the festival’s opening night dinner Taste Radol’ca in november, the restaurant’s 10 chefs get together in pairs and each cook 5 dishes. After that, there’s a 15 euros menu available for the rest of the month.

- Lieux -

The Beekeeping Museum (Cebelarski Muzej)
Linhartov trg 1
Radovljica, Slovenia
(0)4 532 05 20

There’s a bee museum in Radovljica because La Carnica is a unique type of grey bee, the second most widespread kind in the world, and they originate from here.

Read 716’s review

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Gingerbread Museum and Gostilna Lectar  Restaurant
Linhartov trg 2
4240 Radovljica, Slovenia
+386 4 537 48 00

It exists since 1766, the workshop reopened in 2011.
1.50 euros for a guided tour, free for the restaurant clients.
These gingerbreads are for decorations actually, they’re not allowed to sell them as food.

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The town of Kropa

Kropa est un village de forgerons protégé à cause de son architecture préservée. Kropa is a blacksmith town, well preserved, because its architecture is protected.

Read 716’s review

081 087 085

- Restaurants -

Vila Podvin
Mosnje 1
Radovljica 4240, Slovenia
+386 41 747 636

The restaurant opened in the spring of 2012, it’s the best restaurant in the region, and the service and decor are up to par, don’t miss out on it.

Read 716’s review

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- Magasins -

WoodWay Radovljica
Linhartov trg 12 (v starem mestnem jedru)
4240 Radovljica

Wood Way is a store entirely dedicated  to wooden products (Slovenian glasses, Portuguese bark bags), opened in spring 2014.



- Alimentation -

Gorenjska cesta 1
+386 31 641 481

An initiative that should be sustained: a store that makes the choice of working exclusively with 55 local producers.

Read 716’s review

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Izletniska Izletniška Kmetija Globočnik Farm
Globoko 9
+386 41 54 57 48

This a touristic farm, but the welcome is authentic, everything you eat there is homemade and the place is charming.

Read 716’s review

070 071 068


Sadovnjak Resje
Mošnje 1 C
Mošnje 1 4240 Radovljica
the website

An apple orchard that is part of a farming cooperative network, you can come buy apple juice there, but other things too.

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