Mercato Della Terra – Bologna (Italy) en

05.05.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie
Mercato Della Terra
Piazzetta Pier Paolo Pasolini, entrata da Via Azzo Gardino 65 (cortile Cineteca)
OGNI SABATO MATTINA dalle ore 9 alle 14 (d'estate OGNI LUNEDÌ SERA dalle 17.30 alle 21.30)
- Le résumé -

A market that started up a bit less that 10 years ago in which we find local products.


Good vibe, we buy and munch standing up or sitting at big wooden tables. Others are busy doing their groceries.


- Lieu -

It’s located in a quiet square, Piazetta Pier Paolo Pasolini, which is hard to miss.

It’s in this same square that you can find the Lumière movie theater, a movie theater associated to the Bologna cinémathèque. There are a couple movie theaters in Bologna with French names ( Lumière, Odéon) but other than this little fact, Bologna is a big movie city. It’s here that you can find the world’s best laboratory for the restoration of ancient films. Each July they show a restored film at Piazza Maggiore.

It’s also in Bologna that there is the biggest original Chaplin film collection and the Bologna Cinémathèque has been working hard these past few years reconstructing the geniu’s entire work of art ( restoring the films, organizing the paper archives). This is the reason a totally unknown book of his appeared- we didn’t even know he wrote one.




Tigelles are small breads that you can stuff with different things.



My friend told me I took the porcetta one ( pork stuffed Italian style). I don’t remember because I had asked the boss to choose his favorite for me.







- Le bilan -

It’s worth going for a stroll there Saturdays at lunch, especially if it’s nice out: a nice Bolognese vibe, not too hipster, stays pretty authentic.


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