716 Exclusive Mix – WC7 : Pleromatic Delusions

10.07.18 - Guillaume - 716lavie

The Yugolearica Mix series by WC7 aka Vladimir Crvenkovic is one of the best things I have discovered during the golden age of music blogs (circa 2010’s).  I had made a focus on this mix including a little interview on 716 back then. Since, we’ve been talking with Vladimir about a 716 Mix he could do. I think it’s the longest time I have waited for a mix, exactly 6 years. It was worth waiting and as you could see, I am persistent and Vladimir has a word. So this mix is more a collection of beautiful tracks he love and could listen to endlessly.

“My beginnings in digging were about cosmic, kraut, balearic and yugo heritage, but nowadays I am all around, playing sounds depending of the occasion. Always inspired by world music and its influences in electronic dance with an experimental approach. For this mix, I started with the track I put aside since you asked me to do it, and it determined the selection and actual feel of music I like the most: celestial and melancholic.”

The Advisory Circle – Fire, Damp & Air
Tibor Szemző – Blow #2
Nathan McCree ‎– Tomb Raider Theme
The Threshold HouseBoys Choir – Lowly Low
Kreidler – Solaris
Vazz – You Haunt Me
Cocteau Twins – How to Bring a Blush to the Snow
Suzanne Menzel – The Ghost
Pablo’s Eye – El Bario Gotico
Seahawks – Starways
Javier Bergia – Ballenas
Sainkho Namtchylak – Ohm Suhaa
Agiz – Fin De Siècle
Karstof – Ur
Miko & Mubare – Komoma Ya-Ya-Ya
Durutti Column – E.E.
Georges Rodi – Motomation
Jeff Majors – Yasmeen
Tuxedomoon – You

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