716 Exclusive Mixes – July 2017 Playlist : Romain BNO, LEO, Zorz

29.06.17 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Romain Bno, long timer Parisian dj, has always nourished a special interest for the original hip hop. Here is the result of a long investigation through this particular era of the musical genre, 85-86
LEO, member of the Positive Education crew from Saint Etienne, delivers some brilliant live sessions. This time it’s a podcast recorded for 716. Lately it has become trendy to mix ambient, experimental, techno, rarities into one single podcast, but only a few artists can manage to make it sound pertinent, more than just a collage.
Zorz : if you talk about the underground techno scene from Greece, you have to mention Zorz. This key figure always privileged a quality techno that is as deep and dark as non violent. How can it be? Well give it a listen.
Thanks for all the artists who contribute to 716lavie.com.

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