18sedem3 – Radovljica (Slovenia)

06.04.15 - Guillaume - 716lavie
Gorenjska cesta 1
4240 Radovljica
+386 31 641 481
- Le résumé -

It’s a convenience store that works with 55 local producers. The goal is to promote local products, the boss is sad because 70% of the milk in Slovenia is exported, to Italy notably, and in return it imports 70% of its dairy products. Their biggest wish is to provide school canteens.



Ingenious honey barrel system: you can take the quantity you want. There are 140 honey producers in Radovljica, but they only make 500 kilos, which is ridiculous, the blame rests on the progressive disapearance of bees


He explained how difficult it was to sell quality farmer eggs because of regulations.




Here’s a video I made of the boss talking about a successful cooperative making local cheeses.

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