716 Exclusive Mix – Françoijack (Vielspaß) : A Springbreak Toward Ghostland

24.04.16 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Françoijack is a long time activist in the art/music scene in Bretagne, the west part of France. He discovered the illegal raves in the early 90’s, and since then, his passion for this music and the original spirit of this culture (funkyness, underground, DIY, party, multidisciplinary approach) has never left him since :”our philosophy is to keep on the soul of the early raves, by mixing and crossing arts, people and 80es sounds in modern features.” This why he is still there, 25 years after his first rave parties as a promoter, staying active, keeping updated about the scene and the new talents, always starting new projects : running the art gallery DMA, the Vielspaß label (The Mick Wills Ep was among the Best of 2015 Juno List), throwing the wild Bargain parties (usually sold out), producing music or deejaying as Françoijack / Bocaccio, organizing all kind of designers fairs, creative flea markets and so on.

Françoijack n’est pas né de la dernière pluie. Tombé dans le chaudron des raves bretonnes au début des années 90, il n’a jamais lâché l’état d’esprit originel de ces rassemblements underground (fête, ouverture, débrouillardise, underground, approche pluri-disciplinaire) et l’applique à toutes ses activités, qui sont nombreuses : la galerie d’art DMA, le label Vielspaß (Le Ep de Mick Wills Ep figure parmi the Best of 2015 Juno List), ses djs sets ou ses productions sous le nom de Françoijack / Bocaccio, les soirées Bargain (la plupart du temps sold out), des marchés de designers, des défilés de modes de jeunes créateurs . “Our philosophy is to keep on the soul of the early raves, by mixing and crossing arts, people and 80es sounds in modern features”, voilà sa ligne de conduite. 

He’s introducing to us the next releases on Vielspaß :

The Vß 007 is the EP  from Electrosexual Feat. Hard Ton “I’m your machine” that goes with 3 remixes, including one from Antoni Maiovvi who has already signed a track on our label. This acid – electrodiscofunk hitl is a killer in clubs.

Le Vß 007 est l’Ep d'”Electrosexual Feat. Hard Ton – I’m your machine” accompagné de 3 remix dont un d’Antoni Maiovvi qui a déjà signé un track sur notre label. Cette petite perle Acid electrodiscofunk est une vraie balle de club !

The Vß 008 is a compilation of newcomers on our label : 6 tracks / 6 artists almost unknown, except Ringard.  We did a collab with the Made festival that takes place in Rennes in may. We liked their idea to associate party promoters and local labels to the programmation of the festival, which gives us an opportunity to find out new local talents and produce them. Here is the crowdfunding link with the record in pre-sale.

Le Vß 008 sst un various des newcomers sur notre label : 6 tracks / 6 artistes quasi inconnus en dehors de Ringard. Nous l’avons réalisé en corrélation avec le Festival Made qui se déroule en mai à Rennes. Nous avons aimé l’idée de Made d’associer les promoters et labels locaux à la prog du festival, cela nous donne l’occasion de découvrir les talents locaux et de les produire.
Voici le lien du kiss kiss bank bank avec le disque en prévente.

Expect future releases from Bertoli, Kelton Prima, Dmitry Distant, Dimitri Veimar, Eleven Pond, Mick Wills, Conformance, Dramatis personae, A-sim, Martin Dupont

Dean & Deluca – Chapter 1 (M-Plant)
Extrawelt – Dark Side Of my Room (Cocoon Recordings)
Femminielli Noir – Me gusta el dolor (Mind Records)
Time Zone – Praise god (Antler-Subway)
Klankman – Dangerous night (Bunker Records)
Elec pt1 – I’m a Freak (Bunker Records)
James “Jack Rabbit” Martin – Rabbit Trax 1 (Still Music)
Pankow – Das Vodkalied (Contort Yourself)
Tense – Disconnect Myself (Beau Wanzer Adjustment) (Mannequin)
In Aeternam Vale – La Piscine (Minimal Wave)
Helena Hauff – Hiemal Quietus (Lux rec)
Z-Bomb – Keepers Of The Cheese (Bunker Records)
Unknown (Superstition records)
Mike Henk – Untitled (Pulsar Recordings)
John Heckle – Voices And Visions (Tabernacle Records)
Darren Price – Airspace (Novamute)

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