716 Playlists – Dj M (Enfant Terrible) Playlist

04.01.12 - Guillaume - 716lavie

Today it is my birthday and as a gift I have received this playlist by Martijn from the Enfant Terrible label. Martijn has already done a 716 Mix that I strongly recommend : the 716 Summer Mix.
Recently on facebook, I had posted a track of contemporary music and Martijn immediately replied “I didn’t know you liked this music too” and then he posted another piece of music.
Well I am interested in that music but I have to say, I don’t know much about it. When I saw martijn was passionated with that genre, I thought it would be great to benefit from his own recommendations. That’s how this playlist was born.


He’s got many things to come on Enfant Terrible so I couldn’t put it all here, but in January will be ready :

“ET007: Neurobit – War Of The Worlds (cassette, 2012 )
ET008: Diverse Artiesten – ……………….. (cassette, 2012 )
and 4 art objects (ET 009, 010, 011 & 012)

Much later, this Enfant21 will be released… very much in the style of the 10
pieces I send you as youtube clip… but with a ET touch… a strong
connection to industrial/elektro music….”

1) Luigi Russolo – Corale (1921)
I think this should be credited as by Luigi and his brother Antonio
Russolo. Anyway, Luigi Russolo was a Futurist artist and could be credited
as the first composer of electronic music. He built his own music machines
and made music inspired by industrial sounds. When you start searching for
early electronic music this is where you get sooner or later. So that is
how I discovered it when I was a History student at University.

2) Karlheinz Stockhausen – Kontakte (Teil I & II) (1959/1960)

Maybe the best known electronic music / modern classical composer? At
least for me since many years. It was probably the first modern classical
music I ever listened to. And it was this composition I came across first.

3) Krzysztof Penderecki – Threnody To The Victims of Hiroshima (1960)
A very famous piece… most likely known by many non-classical music
listeners due its appearance in Stanley Kubrick’s film ‘The Shining’ from
1980. I think must have come across it too first through this film.

4) György Ligeti – Lux Aeterna (1966)
Another famous piece and another one which appeared in a Stanley Kubrick
film. This time in ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (1968). It served well to
enhance the impact of the scene in the film… but also on its own this
music is more then thrilling in every possible way…

5) Luigi Nono – Contrappunto Dialettico Alla Mente (1968)

While in University a friend of mine introduced me to Luigi Nono. My main
focus and interest has always been on the pop side of things and he was
always more classical in his taste… but I liked this one from the first

6) Terry Riley – A Rainbow In Curved Air (1969)

The first Minimal Music I listened to… way before I listened to minimal
elektro or minimal synth or whatever… also a totally different world as
the minimal pop stuff… maybe except for Neurobit which I release on my
label… he comes close to Riley in his own way…

7) Hero Wouters – Dialoog Voor Twee Synthesizers & Tape-transport (1974)

I came across Hero Wouters about six or seven years ago in one of my
nighttime searches for music and art. He is a Dutch composer/artist who I
still active today. Here is a piece from his student years. This piece of
music was part of an experimental mixed-media performance he did in
collaboration with Belgium composer Peter Beyls. The performance was
called ‘In Concert’. This is part two. If you like this also check out the
LP ‘Muziek Voor Leven En Dood’ I released on my label Enfant Terrible in

8) Glenn Branca – Symphony No. 3 (Gloria) (1983)

Here is the Third and last movement of this piece by Glenn Branca. I came
across Glenn Branca in the 1990’s when listening to Sonic Youth and
Swans… this as for some time in his ensemble Michael Gira, Thurston
Moore and Lee Ranaldo were among the musicians.

9) Ilya Monosov – Autonomous Guitar Music for Marc Schulz (2002)

This is a very nice piece of Ilya Monosov a contemporary music composer
who has been writing music since the mid 1990’s. His work ranges from
electro-acoustic music to Minimal Music and from drones to ambient pieces.
This piece is on the LP ‘Collected Works Of Ilya Monosov’ (2011) and is
released on the small German label You Don’t Have To Call It Music. I
discovered his music through this excellent album and equally good label.

10) Puin+Hoop – Bomendocumentaire (2010)

You could argue if this is modern classical music or not. You could maybe
call it electro-acoustic pop if you doubt the classical part. Still this
ensemble consists of young musicians who know the tradition they work in…
but feel confident enough and free enough to improvise instead of compose
the music they perform. This piece is from their excellent album ‘Door’
released on the Narrominded label in 2010. They also appeared on the ‘Kamp
Holland’ compilation album on my Enfant Terrible label… and their vinyl
debut release is in preparation for 2012 on Enfant Terrible.

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