716 Playlists – Titonton Duvante Playlist

28.02.13 - Guillaume - 716lavie
Titonton Duvante is a true “quality house” veteran producer.
It’s a great honour to publish his playlist.

Check all what he has produced , including tracks like this “Foreplay”!

He is actually working on his album which will be arranged with musicians, live string section, vocalists alongside electronics.His next EP will be released on aDepth audio‘s Dutch record label.

1) Arvo Part – Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten
I have been quoted a few times saying this is my favorite piece any style and genre. It is an example of musical purity… I am big on music with so much emotion yet without lyrics. It becomes the soundtrack for your personal journey.

2) Meredith Monk – Future Quest
I was fortunate enough to see the premiere of this opera. I vividly recall this scene and getting goosebumps. Then it happened. Tears running down my face. Monk’s finest moment in my opinion.

3) Stereolab – Puncture in the Radax Permutation
Oh my days. Never forget the first time I heard this album and this was the stand out track. The percussion, strings, synths, vocals, and horns are so perfect together. For certain my top Stereolab tune.

4) Jazzanova – L.O.V.E. and You and I
Another work that just blew me away upon first listen. Absolutely mind blowing. The programming is out of control and the second section!!! Electronic music has no soul. I beg to differ and this is one of the top notch examples.

5) The Smiths – Last Night I Dreamt that Somebody Loved Me
I know this may be a serious statement, but at the moment I think this may be one of the greatest songs with lyrics ever written. The ultimate in melancholy. Morrissey’s lyrics really hit home for me especially in my youth.

6) Grizzly Bear – Sun In Your Eyes
I have the feeling that Grizzly Bear are some of the most talented musicians and song writers working today. Completely Epic and grabs me everytime.

7) Radiohead – In Limbo
I have had some fairly depressing times in my days. This song just seems to wash over me, transport me to another place. Echoing the times when I feel emotionally stranded and lost.

8) David Heath – The Frontier
I learned so much from studying this piece. Bartok pizzicatos, tremelo glissandos, rhythmic juxtaposition of motifs. This work still influences my string arrangements to this day.

9) Pepe Bradock – Deep Burnt
A permanent staple in my DJ sets. I would even go so far to say since 1999 I have played this in 90% of my sets. This is just something special to me.

10) 4 Hero – Planetaria (Theme from a Dream)
Have been a long time fan of 4 Hero and the reinforced camp. I had been working on and off for a few years on the “Selections for Intercourse” album that had live strings alongside electronics and beats. My first foray was a piece composed in 1992 for a work I did called Zalokar. This getting released was so much confirmation that this combination would work. So great!!!

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