716 Playlists – Music Investigation Playlist
30.11.11 - Guillaume - 716lavie
Aujourd’hui place à Laurent du blog Music Investigation sur lequel il partage raretés musicales qu’il associe systématiquement à une photo.
Comme on peut s’y attendre sa sélection n’est pas piquée des hannetons.
Today it’s Laurent from the Music Investigation blog who shares his playlist. On his blog Laurent recommends rare tracks associated with a picture.
Modeste, épuré et qui donne le frisson dorsal, ce truc a failli me faire franchir le seuil d’une église à plusieurs reprises. La construction est parfaite. Avec un bout de bois creux, un vague piano et 3 amis on peut faire des miracles.
This track is minimal and always gives me a thrill, it almost made me enter a church a couple of times. The progression is perfect, it’s the living proof that with a wooden stick, a vague piano and 3 friends, one can do miracles.
It is still a mystery to me that this band is not more famous, almost an injustice. Amongst all I’ve heard from them, there’s almost nothing to throw away (rare).
3) Frank Ianni – Sliding-Sideways
Trouvé sure le blog THE STRANGE EXPERIENCE OF MUSIC, ce morceau illustre à la perfection “un truc qui sonne”. Sans vouloir trop en faire pour en avoir l’air, il est particulièrement original, donc inusable.Found on the The Strange Experience Of Music blog, this track perfectly shows what a track should sound like, very original, timeless.
Aujourd’hui ça finirait direct aux mœurs en garde à vue… déjà qu’un certain Serge G. a frôlé la correctionnelle pour un cas âgé d’à peine un an de plus… “la limite”.Today you’ll be in front of the judge: for lyrics like this… Serge Gainsbourg had already flirted with the justice for a similar case and the girl was 1 year older : “the legal limit”.
This Bobb is not the most constant artist out there, but I am ready to applaude him for this song until my hands fall down, stunning!
It makes me wanna cruise on a pedalo (the one that looks like a swan) on a feather ocean, a whisky bottle in my hand.
We all carry some music we’re a ashamed to like, here is mine, a bit rotten, full of honey, bon appétit!
Straight out of a german sitcom in which a smiling child stands next to a man with a hat, the bass line does most of the work.
Stolen from L’Iglootone (a 3 stars blog), this track is my actual persecutor, I only have my nights to free… a baroc jewel.
“A rainbow is a pretty thing” like it is sung in this song which ends as bad as it has nicely started : perfect to say good night.
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