The 29nov films – English Interview

21.02.10 - Guillaume - 716lavie

the french version → here

I recently looked for a youtube post of a new electro track and i found one pretty amazing, done by a collective called 29nov. I checked their youtube channel and realized these guys were posting more than 10 new vids per week, and with only quality underground electro tracks.
This type of net activity is brand new and i was waiting for that since a while. They’re also surprised to be the only ones to post electro videos with that frequency.
Enjoy 29 nov.

1) Who are you? Where do you live?

Hello, my name is Kevin Paschold and the name of my partner is Sebastian Kökow. We are the29nov films. We are making movies and video clips since 2007. But the whole project started 2006 with a short gig with Sebastian on the turntables and me with the guitar. Sebastian lives in our hometown Sonneberg in the middle of Germany, I went to Berlin at the beginning of 2010.

2) Why are you named the 29nov films? What special happened this 29th of november?
Sebastian and i make our first session ever at the 29nov 2006. As the take was over we got no idea for a band name. So we just putt a “the”(like all cool guitarbands) before the date -thats all.

3) Are you djs? video editors?
Actually Sebastian is the dj. He’s a dj for more than 10 years. And we do everything else together, so we are editors,vjs,movie makers,musicans (at first we only had a band called the29nov) and movie freaks 🙂

4) I found one of your post for the “Pattern Repeat” tune which had been released very recently so i thought : ouah these guys are big fans of electro and they have done tons of videos!
Oh yes we love electro and I don’t know why, but we are the only ones who make electro videos on youtube in this dimension. I think it’s better to show a cool video than only the record cover – I know it’s all about the music, but if we do it together it runs in a better way. And now we can’t stop it because it’s such a big pleasure.

5) How do you proceed to do these posts? how do you find the movies? does it take a lot of time? do you make money with that?
We got our own special way to the music and so it’s easy for us to make good videos. We just go with the flow… Most of the movies we already know and the rest of them we found on the net. It doesn’t really take a lot of time -you got the track -you got the idea -lets get it on ! No, we don’t make money with that yet. All the videos are gifts for the artists, for our fans and for their music. Maybe in the future we’ll have the chance to work together with some more artist or labels more professionally.

6) Is there anything you’ like to add?
We’ve made the videos for the album Playtime from Reagenz also known as David Moufang and Jonah Sharp.
And Sebastian Kökow has made a dj mix for the netlabel deepindub from Itlay.
2010-02-06 dj sk29, meinlehnsherr-mix by sk29

Don’t forget the29nov ! Peace

7) Let’s finish with your 4 favourite videos

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