716 Playlists – Claire & Stefan Blomeier Playlist

25.08.14 - Guillaume - 716lavie

When I listened to the “Perfume” EP of Claire released on Acoustic Division and featured in the August 2014 Clone Chart of Mick Wills, I kinda loved it right away.

I proposed to Claire to do a 716 Playlist and her and Stephan have been great : enthousiastic and quick to deliver an awesome selection.



Here is a track made by both of them as Perfume is Claire’s solo record.

This is for Stefan Blomeier & Claire next release, coming soon, some dope underground stuff.


Here comes their 716 Playlist.

If you want to listen to the 716 Playlist in continuous mode, that’s here.


1) A homeboy, a hippe & a funki dredd – Total Confusion (Heavenly mix)



2) Kid unknown – Nightmare

Early 90s breaks on Warp


3) Nami shimada – Sunshower (Legowelt remix)

Another Legowelt masterpiece


4) Leyland kirby – Neon lit atoms

One of modern music’s most captivating composers


5) Future sound of london – We have explosive

Playstation youth


6) Depeche Mode – People are people/Master & servant

Stefan likes People are people, Claire like master & servant. Two of our favourite Depeche mode tracks


7) Gesloten cirkel – Yamagic

Everything he touches turns to gold


8) Trackman lafonte & Bon qui qui – Pacific house

Holiday soundtrack


9) 93rd & Superbowl – Forever & a day

Our favourite Italo


10) The Cosmic Dead – The mass of betelgeuse

Glasgow’s #1 Hawkwind tribute band

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